Mulier Nutrition aims for balance in achieving holistic health. Diet is just one part of it, and the most important one.
Mulier Nutrition is adapted to other treatments in order to address the root causes of crises.
By focusing on the cause of the problem, the body undergoes deep transformation itself.
I believe that good health can be achieved in a pleasant way.
I believe that the body is where we need to act.
I believe that emotions are the cause.
I believe that personal will requires professional help.
We must bring the body into a state of balance, beauty, and vitality.
The body is key, it’s the place where we need to act.
The body holds toxins, hides excessive fat, conceals blocked emotions.
In the mind, we don’t experience fear, anger, or sadness, we experience them in the body as palpitations (increased heartbeats), as chest tightness, stomach pain, tingling, headaches, neck or back pain, voice loss, hair loss, allergies, muscle pain, balance disorders, poor posture…
The body is highly sensitive, and it shows us the problem and its location. With just a little effort, we can easily understand what our body is trying to tell us.
When treating the body, we must always pay attention to digestion.
It’s important to know which level of digestion is disturbed.
Digestion consists of 3 parts:
At which level of the digestive process do you have a problem?
Each part is treated differently.
Each level of digestion processes both food and emotions.
So, if someone insults and hurts us, for example, we experience anger and tension in the neck.
If we can’t digest that anger into another “substance,” for example, accepting that we forgot to say “no” in time (when we realize and accept this, we’ll learn what and how to change in our behavior), then that anger is stored in our joints, muscles around the joints, fascia around the muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Very typical, very often.
These are then undigested emotions that turn into blocked electrolyte transfer (including electricity), which leads to stiffness and inflammation, as there’s no flow. That’s my opinion, and many studies support it.
This is how emotions and the body are connected.
We must know this and always explore the connection between what’s happening in our life and what’s happening in our body.
Remember, the body doesn’t lie. Unfortunately, it often remembers for too long.
Just as the body stores negative emotions, it also stores toxins that cause pain and inflammation equally.
That’s why detoxification is the first and crucial step in prevention and treatment. We can’t add supplements and medications to an organism overwhelmed by toxins because they simply won’t work, but will burden the body further.
How to extract key information from the signals the body sends us? How to understand their meaning?
I must mention that everything in nature is mathematically connected through the golden ratio and seeks balance.
That’s why we have two ears and one mouth. Meaning we should listen twice as much as we speak.
Collecting information about a person’s lifestyle and contemplating it is my strategy. The doctor needs key information. The doctor needs to know the root of the problem.
The patient needs a gentle healing process and a feeling that someone listens to them and hears exactly what they want to say about their problem.
The patient wants to feel safe and supported in order to access the right information from their depths.
When the doctor knows where you are, what your current health condition is, the cause of the problem, and the connection between your soul and body, they know what needs to be done.
Now, we can start thinking about nutrition. I know that you’re most interested in the diet. Which diet do I need?!
Diet is a complex issue, and if you haven’t developed healthy habits in childhood, you’ll need professional help.
Food is usually defined by calories, glycemic index (GI), glycemic load (GL), sugar, fat and protein content, minerals, vitamins, pH quality, digestibility degree, toxin and hormone percentage, water percentage, taste, smell, consistency…
It’s important to know that the focus isn’t on calories, healthy and unhealthy food, protein, carbohydrates, and fat quantity.
We observe the diet through the chemistry and physics within your body that create the quality of digestion.
When we understand nutrition, not just diets, food can become your medicine.
When a treatment plan aligns, according to your needs and the root of the problem, the doctor will start considering a meal plan.
Then, we define which foods we can eat (anti-inflammatory, alkaline, low glycemic index, low glycemic load…), how to combine foods (food combining according to Hay, combinations for weight loss, combinations to reduce allergic reactions…), how to cook (steaming, oil use, boiling…), what to eat raw (and when), when to eat (depending on constitution), meal spacing (depending on hormonal status), what to eliminate (what prevents healing), what to dilute (food that’s harmful in large amounts), what to drink (very important!), what not to drink (most important!), how to adapt to the new regimen (motivational plan)…
Once the doctor knows everything I mentioned, they can prescribe you a diet and meal plan.
For most people, detoxification (cleansing) is necessary to start with, and then we continue with a specialized diet for weight loss, thyroid balance, depending on the program you need.
After completing the therapeutic dietary program, you can continue with the Mulier diet, alkaline diet, Mayr preventive diet, LCHF diet, Logi diet, Metabolic balance diet, Mediterranean diet, intermittent fasting, or any suitable diet for your age, constitution, and current condition.
Mulier nutrition is not just about food, it’s not just a diet.
It’s about truly nourishing us in a way that we stay satisfied. People eat too much, too quickly, too late, too often, yet they still remain hungry.
Sources of nutrition for humans:
Positive mind
Every day, just as we consume a certain amount of food, we need to nourish ourselves with sun, water, oxygen, restful sleep, and contact with nature.
Particularly important nourishment for us is positive emotions. We have already mentioned emotions and the connection with the body.
Therefore, we need to create a dietary plan for emotions (we do this for all specialized programs such as weight loss, thyroid balance…).
We need to understand the emotional root problem and be confident in physical solutions.
When the body heals, feelings change. When feelings change, transformation becomes possible.
The ancient Greeks understood this long ago.
“Mens sana in corpore sano.”
“A sound mind in a sound body.”
So let’s take a pause, allow our success to catch up with us.
The pause begins with detoxification.
There are various ways of detoxification, but if you want the simplest method you can do at home, then I recommend a two-week detox with Hepafast with a special diet with a low glycemic index.
For any further questions and information, please contact: