
December 30, 2024, Marija Mrgudić

Dear Meri, I’ve completed the first phase of detoxification. During the first three or four days, I felt worse, more tired than usual, but after that, my energy started improving daily. Today, I feel quite good. I didn’t feel hungry or have cravings for any specific food. My sinuses have cleared up, and the therapy is benefiting my gums as well. Everything is going well so far. Today, I measured myself and have lost a full 6 kilograms. As you said, I’ve visibly slimmed down around my waist. Tomorrow, I’m starting the second phase, and I’ll let you know how it goes.
Best regards,

March 22, 2024, G.S., physician

How do you feel now after following my recommendation for a while? Good.
What has improved? I sleep better, I’ve lost 3 kilograms, people around me say I look better, my complexion has improved, and my hair is falling out less.
What has worsened? Nothing.
What has stayed the same? I still crave sweets.
What is the most important thing you’d like to resolve now? The remaining belly fat, high blood pressure, and even better sleep.
Was it difficult to follow the recommendation? What was the hardest part? Opening the curcumin capsule.

October 16, 2023, Gordana

Dear Doctor,
It has been 18 months since I started, more or less successfully, following your recommendations. Currently, I’m on some form of cleansing with Zeolite (15 days), plus 1 tablet of Serrapeptase, Omni Stress, 2 apple pectins, and in the afternoon Active Folate and Sea Power.
When I fully adhere to the diet, I feel great—no digestive issues, the brain fog is gone, forgetfulness has decreased, and I feel much more focused and emotionally stable. Physically, I’m fit.
Sometimes I stray from the path, but I keep returning, striving to fully embrace this way of eating, to enjoy it, and to no longer feel the need to deviate much. Cheese still remains a source of temptation. 🙂
I wanted to purchase a new Serrapeptase, but it’s currently unavailable. I’m wondering if these supplements can be taken for such a long time and what I could use as a replacement?
Kind regards and heartfelt thanks.

May 26, 2022, Jelena

Dear Dr. Bura,

In December of last year, I underwent a detoxification program you recommended for two weeks, and I felt great. I would like to do another detox before summer so that I have a routine twice a year. I have filled out the questionnaire below and provided some details on my first experience.

I only lost 1.8 kg, but I felt completely “cleansed.” My stomach improved, my face cleared up from acne, and my complexion was lovely. I had even more energy and strength. The only thing I missed a lot was coffee (I thought wine would be a problem). I had a headache every day for 5 days in a row and had to take ibuprofen because I couldn’t function at work otherwise. I also had diarrhea 3-4 times a day for about 10 days. Hepafast was very tasty; I combined it with almond and coconut milk.

I look forward to your response, and thank you very much.

May 25, 2022, Annamaria, chef

I feel much better. I’m no longer bloated, my bowel movements are regular, my skin is clearer, I have more energy, and I’m less prone to colds compared to before.

Overall, everything has improved.

I haven’t noticed anything getting worse.

The only thing that remains the same and I would like to improve is the dry skin on my palms and feet.

I’m currently breastfeeding and would like to continue for a few more months, but I’d also like to lose a bit more weight.

Sometimes it’s hard for me to have all the recommended soups cooked, so I end up eating the same one for both lunch and dinner.

The hardest part was giving up coffee, which I used to drink, but now I have it without milk or with a bit of unsweetened coconut milk. I also don’t do the breathing exercises every day because I sometimes run out of time.

May 13, 2022, A.B. 


WHAT HAS IMPROVED? Apart from the fact that I no longer have headaches since the first check-up, the atopic dermatitis on my neck has started to improve after the first check-up. The skin has rejuvenated and looks much better, my face is clear, the skin is better, less dry than usual. Menstrual pains are painful but less severe, and the pain lasts shorter. I no longer have migraines; I had a few short headaches, but much less than before. It seems I have much more energy, I’m less nervous and stressed, which gives me more self-confidence.

WHAT IS WORSE? There is nothing worse.

WHAT REMAINS THE SAME? Most things have improved, so even if they haven’t completely resolved, they are slightly better than before. For example, my hair is still quite thin and weak, but it’s less greasy and hardly flakes at all compared to before. The skin is dry, but again less than before.




March 18, 2022, Paula

Everyone asks me why my face is glowing, and I say it’s because of your diet. I’m very satisfied; it’s been a month since I started eating this way, and I see results in better skin, less bloating, improved digestion. Also, my focus is sharper, especially at work. I have much more (life) energy and enthusiasm. Besides the visible physical positive aspects, this is a complete lifestyle change. I realized which activities make me happy, recognized my worth, and introduced a routine that helped me with my mental health like nothing before.

January 25, 2022, Annamaria

I feel much better. I’m no longer bloated, my bowel movements are regular, my skin is clearer, I have more energy, and I’m less prone to colds compared to before. Overall, everything is better. I haven’t noticed anything getting worse. The only thing that remains the same and I would like to improve is the dry skin on my palms and feet. I’m currently breastfeeding and would like to continue for a few more months, but I’d also like to lose a bit more weight. Sometimes it’s hard for me to follow the recommendation, to have all the recommended soups cooked, so I end up eating the same one for both lunch and dinner.

January 24, 2022, S. V.

Dear Meri,

Following your message from December, I ordered Hepafast and went through 2 weeks of detoxification with Hepafast. Now I’ve started using Hepafast again and followed the recommendation for weeks three to eight. I must say that I am satisfied because my issue was not being able to tolerate hunger as it would give me strong headaches, nervousness, and a drop in energy. However, with Hepafast, I can tolerate hunger; there are no headaches, I have the necessary energy level, and what’s very important to me, I don’t have a craving for sweets, even though I used to be a sugar addict. In 2 weeks, I’ve lost 8 cm around my waist, 2 cm around my hips, 3 cm around my chest, and 2 kg in weight. I didn’t recognize my feet due to edema, but now I can see my feet as they were before, and even more importantly, steps that were once difficult, I can now walk (10 km in one go). When you have the time, guide me further through the program… I’m immensely grateful for starting and fortifying my determination to continue.

Currently, I’m on the 24th day of using Hepafast. For one meal, I have vegetables, or if I eat vegetables with chicken/turkey steak, then I skip Hepafast. During this period, I’ve lost 4 kg and 18 cm around my waist. Additionally, many symptoms that were pronounced before starting Hepafast have reduced. During this period, there were 3 occasions when I slightly deviated from the allowed foods. I’ve successfully avoided sweets the entire time. I’m also drinking around 2 liters of water daily.

September 16, 2021, Ivana, Croatian language teacher

Dear Doctor,

I’m 80% better. My menstrual cycle has stabilized. My gynecologist supports following your recommendation. I no longer have excess gas in my intestines, there’s no more insomnia, anxiety, restlessness, or forgetfulness. I’ve regained weight and have a normal relationship with food again. My relationships with my family have improved. I sleep very well, there are no joint pains. I’m more positive and enjoying life. Regarding exercises, I continue with walking, socializing, and giving myself more rest. My body is recovering. I’m not focused on feeling obligated anymore. I’ve completely turned around. I don’t experience as much bloating anymore, although there’s still a little bit. The bloating has reduced significantly; it used to be terrible, even eating an apple would be overwhelming. I don’t have cramps anymore, except during ovulation. Now I can hear my intestines working. My stool was normal this morning. I had loose stools in the past few days, probably due to increased work, stress, vaccination. I haven’t had a cold, and no cold sores on my lips.

September 16, 2021, Marijana

Dear Doctor,

I’m very satisfied with the effects of Hepafast. Both my husband and I noticed a reduction in the “muffin top” around the waist that appeared over the years. I’ve lost 3 kg, my husband 4 kg. I feel better in my own skin. I feel lively and positive without any depressive moods. My skin is more radiant, my hair silkier (usually it’s dry and brittle). After a few days of consuming it, we don’t feel hungry during the day.  🙂

August 24, 2021, Ana

Dear Doctor,

I’m reaching out after one week of using the Hepafast cleansing program. I’m glad to say that I’m successfully following it. In one week, I’ve lost 2 kg, but more importantly, I feel much better, more energetic, and I don’t have hunger attacks when I come home from work, which I used to struggle with. I don’t have a thyroid and have mild insulin resistance. I would like to continue with the program; it’s a bit challenging at work, but I’ll give it my all.

March 30, 2021, Petra

Dear Doctor,

Thank you for your tremendous effort and the very detailed, comprehensive opinion and recommendation. I really like the idea of an afternoon ritual; I’ll try it now, during the Hepafast phase, by changing my afternoon-evening routine. To start, before diving into family obligations (usually, as soon as I get home, I start doing something), I’ll take a moment, take a shower, have a cup of tea, calm down. This could help me avoid going into turbo mode immediately, which usually includes turbo snacking :/

Emotions and pleasing others… yes, I’m aware of that. The pattern of a woman who sacrifices herself for others and is insignificant to herself (even in eating) is something I’ve observed my whole life, and I’ve unknowingly adopted some things from my mother, some things I’m aware of, I’m trying to change and do things my way – for example, I’m not obsessed with cleaning and cooking. I can leave an unclean apartment and go into nature with my family, I’m more relaxed in general. However, there’s still much I could and should work on, I know. For instance, how to say no and clearly and affirmatively express my desires and needs. That part is hardest for me with my parents and some colleagues at work.

I’m looking forward to our conversation; please let me know when it suits you.

Thank you for helping me gradually discover myself.

August 4, 2020, Ana

Dear Dr. Bura,

I asked you for a recommendation two years ago (we corresponded via email) which I followed for just a month due to my laziness. Honestly, I believe there’s no better and more comprehensive recommendation than the one you provide. It’s just my laziness or ‘relaxation’ after some time that prevents me from feeling really good. Anyway, I’ve decided to start again with your recommendation because I believe absolutely nothing has changed in these two years of my ‘messing around’…

Your articles are excellent; they consolidate so much information in the right way and are logically organized! They’re perfect, which is why I’d be happy to be part of your lectures if you still hold them or some weekend workshops?

Thank you very much for your response and sending warm regards from Zadar!

May 14, 2020, Tanja

In general, since I started following your recommendation, my energy levels have increased the most… previously, it was usual for me to feel like something ran over me, I couldn’t wake up rested in the morning. Now it’s different; I sleep much better, although I sometimes wake up, but much less often. Before, it was a regular occurrence. I also see a small change in my skin; it’s not as dry, though the improvement is not yet visible according to tests. The anti-inflammatory smoothie helps my eyes; even my eyes aren’t as tired anymore. I don’t feel as fatigued during the day, and my husband told me I’m more cheerful.

May 8, 2020, Ivana, 25 y.o.

I’m great, I’m satisfied, I feel much better… If it weren’t for college, I wouldn’t even be nervous. Family and friends also tell me I’m more active, happier. I don’t cry without reason anymore, that’s gone. My knee doesn’t hurt anymore.

I want to lose a bit more weight, but everything is great; I’ve lost 13 kilograms in 2 months. I’m surprised that I haven’t eaten any sweets at all during these two months. Maybe I had one piece of chocolate; I don’t crave sweets at all. Occasionally, only if someone is eating something sweet in my presence.

I feel much better.

May 8, 2020, Ivana

I’m doing well, much better than the first time; everything has improved. Back then, I could hardly walk, I was lying down all the time, feeling cold, crying, experiencing hair loss. Physically and mentally, I was at rock bottom, lacking motivation, but now I’m a successful businesswoman…

You provided me with all those vitamins, and they started working within 7 days. Within a month, so much has changed; it also had an impact on my self-confidence.

January 27, 2020, Helena

Dear Dr. Meri,

I want to thank you for taking the time to help me; your advice is truly invaluable and has opened up a completely new world for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I will continue using Hepafast because I really feel much better with this diet. I would just like to ask for a recommendation on where I could get the recommended Mayr soup concentrate…

Warm regards, Helena!

January 22, 2020, Ana

Dear Doctor,

July 17th will mark three months since I started with Hepafast, and then followed the other recommendations. You mentioned a check-up in three months.

I must admit I’m very pleased with the results, but I don’t want to stop now.

Firstly, my last period and PMS were truly textbook. Everything was normal, without excessive nervousness, no desire for forbidden foods, and no bleeding days in advance. A normal 4-day period. I really felt good in my body during that time.

Moreover, I’ve lost around 6 kg and feel great. I’m exercising regularly. I was in touch with Marijana, and I think she asked you too, about doing another round of Hepafast cleansing. I haven’t done it yet, but I’d like to soon. I still have a bit of a belly, some fat, and I want to feel even lighter.

I must mention that I haven’t been taking the evening drops for about two weeks because they were becoming harder on my stomach. I don’t know how much they influenced these other positive changes, and if I should continue with them, that needs to be considered.

I’m taking everything else as recommended. I added magnesium because I had tingling in my hands at night.

I would like to stay this healthy, please tell me what my long-term direction should be to maintain this state.

I see that I need to continue with this type of diet; it seems there’s no compromise here except when traveling or occasionally when visiting others.

Please let me know your thoughts, what the next step or phase should be regarding these dietary supplements and for me in general.

Thank you.



January 22, 2020, Iva

I’m much better; I go to bed earlier and have followed most of the recommendations. I haven’t found the recommended book anywhere. My nail symptoms have passed. That splitting was relentless, but it stopped after 3 weeks. Regarding my hair, that’s improved a lot too. I feel better, have more energy, feel more stable throughout the day, and my energy doesn’t drop. Giving up tea was hard for me, but since I cut out tea and alcohol, I feel great. If I could live like this all the time, that would be wonderful. I’m tired in the evening now, but I have energy during the day, just as it should be. I feel steady. I know I’m no longer consuming sugar throughout the day.

I used to have rice with apples every day, but I’ve stopped since it’s hot; I sometimes make it, but not regularly anymore. I’m still making alkaline soups every day, at least one soup a day, I eat some and freeze some fresh ones. I’m combining dinner and lunch suggestions, avoiding gluten and milk. I stick to goat products. The only thing that sometimes happens to me when the temperatures are high is that my blood pressure drops, but then I take fresh goat cheese with turmeric, flaxseed oil… And that turmeric-lemon drink is great for me…

My gums are no longer inflamed or painful. The bloating has completely subsided.



January 22, 2020, Jelena

Since the last check-up, three months ago, digestion is fine, bowel movements are normal, I no longer experience pain when urinating, and there’s no more bloating or pain in the intestines. I used to have acne, but it’s all gone. I had a breast ultrasound and mammography recently, everything is in order. The doctor mentioned a reduction in the number and size of cysts.

The only thing bothering me occasionally is a burning sensation in the throat area. My hair is thicker and when I wake up, I find my hair everywhere. But, as you explained, it’s due to the growth of new young hair. My energy level is good, I feel well, and I don’t get tired easily.



January 22, 2020, Ana

Your detailed questionnaires made me confront whether I’m taking good enough care of myself and what else I can do. Thank you for that and warm regards until we meet again.

January 22, 2020, Marija

Good evening dear Dr. Meri,

I’m in the 14th day of the Hepafast diet. I’m satisfied with how I’ve managed it; it wasn’t particularly difficult. I’m already feeling changes, like a slight increase in energy levels, a clearer “vision” around me. After returning from a trip on Friday, my ankles weren’t swollen as usual.

Tingling in my legs, especially the left one, is still present but reduced. I’m happy about that and looking forward to having a new body that I can supplement with different vitamins, minerals, and other healthy ingredients.

January 22, 2020, VS

I’ve completed two weeks of Hepafast, and I must admit it was easier than I thought it would be. I feel great, I’ve lost 5 cm around my waist and 5 kg. Now I’m moving forward with your recommendations. Just wanted to let you know how it went.

January 22, 2020, Nela

Our dear Meri, gentle and kind soul,
Thank you for giving us these pleasures as a whole,

Each of us “Back to Ourselves” you brought,
To our greatest treasure – our own soul, you’ve taught.

… Oh… How wonderful it is to be back in oneself anew,
Feeling all that happiness, joy, love, and beauty so true.

The splendor of this beach, the walks, all have God’s grace,
But within all of this, you’re our blessing, an angelic embrace.

And this is not just the joy of sun and sea or restful nights,
Each of us has our domestic task – changing life’s flights.

Thank you for showing us what our personal paradise could be,
Through advanced courses, we love all you’ve done, clearly you see.

For now, it’s Bye Bye,

January 22, 2020, Petra

Answering this questionnaire has made me aware of numerous symptoms and issues, some of which I’ve had for a long time, such as bradycardia, yet I never connected them as a whole… It seems I’m finally in good hands.

I think your sentence is motivating, encouraging others to start filling out their questionnaires and becoming aware of their symptoms, not just perceiving themselves through lab tests and numbers.



Two months ago, my TSH was 11.5, and now it has decreased to 7.5. I’ve lost 5 kg. That’s great; my complexion has cleared up, no more pimples. My hair used to be greasy, but now it doesn’t get greasy at all. My nails are stronger, and my hair is shinier. I have energy, and my concentration is normal. I was on vacation, walked a lot, and didn’t get tired at all!

The difference can be seen in my emotional states; it’s like my character is changing. I’ve become more rational. I understand things more easily and I’m not overly emotional. Menstruation is heavier now, which is great as it was scanty before. I’m not as jealous anymore.

I look better. People say I’m radiant. My hair used to be curly and then got dry, now it’s beautiful. I’ve followed everything you wrote in the recommendation except I sometimes forgot to take Hug after lunch and I didn’t go out in the sun regularly. At first, I did, but when I gained more energy, I slowed down a bit. Another important thing, I haven’t had any vaginal infections. Sexual intercourse is painless and doesn’t lead to infections later.

What greatly motivated me was when you wrote in the recommendation: “Don’t miss this opportunity!”

And another sentence was: “If you don’t follow this recommendation, you’ll have to take Euthyrox for the rest of your life.”

And one more important sentence: “You need to get rid of papers and clutter in your home.”

With Hepafast, I used to have bowel movements every day, now it’s every other day.

I don’t have flatulence anymore. Bloating only happens when I eat too much, then my belly swells a bit. Gum health has improved; it no longer recedes since I’ve been oil pulling. I still occasionally have white deposits on my tongue, sometimes they are present, sometimes not.

I still have some mucus flowing towards my throat and occasional nasal congestion, but not as dramatically. I feel much better now! Daylight no longer bothers me. I don’t eat as ravenously as before. It has decreased.


You inspire me! I’m really looking forward to a book by you.


Dear Dr. Meri,

Your newsletter made me smile, especially the title. I changed jobs two days ago… And then I read the title of your email. You’ve immediately brightened my vision of leaving and coming back, wherever and however that might be. Of course, I read the article and realized that we can only return to ourselves. Because as long as we don’t return to ourselves, we’ll always be searching for something.


I thought I wasn’t capable of walking alone. That insecurity was terrible within me. Yet, I only need to decide that I need help.

I appreciate your normal approach, and everything you say is clear to me.

K. M.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything. The conversation with you filled me with positive energy and gave me the encouragement to persist and take care of myself and my body. If I’m not well, others around me won’t be either.

D. V.

Dear doctor,

You said to get in touch by the end of the month so you could send me the test for inflamed intestines and we could schedule a follow-up.

As agreed, I’m now writing about the positive changes since I started following your recommendations, and what still bothers me.

Certainly, the stomach pains have disappeared. Thank you sincerely for everything; the conversation with you filled me with positive energy and gave me the encouragement to persist and take care of myself and my body. After eating (this was very often, especially after dinner, and sometimes after lunch), I used to feel heaviness. No more bloating or heartburn. In the past month, since Hepafast, I have had a bowel movement every morning. I no longer crave sweets. I’ve lost weight and shed the excess 5 kg that I couldn’t get rid of before.

Then, my face cleared from occasional pimples. Last month my cycle was 29 days, which never happened before. And this month it’s 28 days. When I first started menstruating, my cycle was 28 days, and since I went to college in Zagreb, it shortened to 25 days, and in the last 2 years I had problems, often getting my period after 17 days. Additionally, my bleeding has decreased, but still lasts 4.5 days.

In the past month, I haven’t had any nosebleeds, only occasionally when I was tired or had a cold.

I have more energy (mostly in the morning, so I wake up earlier), but still not in the evenings.

Sometimes I wake up at night, not often.

Overall, I feel more spirited and content. I organize my time as it suits me and adapt less to others.

As for the negative symptoms, the one bothering me the most is hair loss, which I already mentioned when we spoke. Also, I still feel cold even when others aren’t cold.

Reduced libido. Dry skin. Late afternoon and evening fatigue.

Attached are the results of the food intolerance test.

M. B.

Dear Meri,

thank you so much for the recommendation. Our conversation and your recommendation have shaken me quite a bit, but I’m getting back on track now. It shook me because I’ve never experienced before how much my psyche can affect things, digestion, menstrual cycle. But in the past two weeks, I’m increasingly believing in it. I’m coming back to myself, and my digestion is regulating. Diarrhea has decreased. I agree with everything you’ve written. And I’m considering the Vision Board and changes. I’ve started yoga. I’m trying not to burden myself too much and to be calmer and more content. You’re right when you say that a diet won’t make me happy and that I need to fix myself first.

In any case, thank you so much for opening my eyes.

Marina Golac


The workshop intrigued me with its title “Stress and Emotions” because I struggle with that. Emotional turmoil and stress concern me.

I was deeply moved when the women talked about their problems, and when we made posters with pictures from newspapers.

I think you should dedicate a part of the workshop to helping women realize they need to respect and love themselves more and how to achieve that, as I believe that’s where most of the issues lie (at least for me).

I enjoyed the atmosphere and the positive energy vibe. I  would come again to learn something new, and truly, when I attended the 5-hour workshop, it was very relaxing. I feel like I’m coming from another planet afterward. So, it was GOOD!!!

Best regards and all the best in 2018!!!!

Tanja Vujović

After following your recommendation, I’ve lost 4 kg, I’m less hungry, lighter, there’s no more swelling, I think less about food, no more overeating, and my menstrual cycle is regular again at 28 days after being 23 days.

I would also add that I feel calmer, my thoughts are clearer, my creativity is returning, and new ideas are emerging.

It seems that others also feel this change because they’ve started changing their behavior. New and good people are coming into my life. Some conflicts are starting to resolve.

Thank you for bringing positive changes into my life and restoring hope for healing!


Dear Meri,

I’m here to report back after not even a month.

The situation is as follows: I took 1/4 of the tablet two weeks ago. So, the condition has improved by 90%. What exactly has improved: I feel generally great, no more fibromyalgia, no more sudden blood pressure spikes.

In essence, the blood pressure readings are lower than ever. My body’s pattern now is that when I sense discomfort/tension, the diastolic blood pressure starts to rise, like 124/90… or 135/94… the systolic blood pressure begins to rise (I feel it) to reach the diastolic level.

In any case, I’ve changed some parameters.

What I credit significantly: definitely changes in my diet (I haven’t completely eliminated sweets or gluten, I confess), and I give the most credit to the alkaline broths that I’ve been consuming abundantly, and the smoothies.

I started running in the last three weeks, every other day, as recommended by my friend, aiming to increase oxygen in my body. I regularly use Passionflower, I stopped going to DNS and MF therapy, but I’m signing up for yoga in November.

I had a check-up yesterday, a bioresonance scan; the oxygen level in my body is absolutely normal, and my pineal gland is much better, although it’s not yet within the normal range.

So, the situation is changing. I’ll get back in touch in the next month; until then, I’ll continue with all the recommendations.

Ivana S. mag pharm

Dear Meri,

I don’t know if it’s due to hemp or sage or everything, but I don’t need painkillers for menstrual pain anymore.
If you only knew how much I suffered with that, the torment I had from the first menstruation until now.
Without exception, I’ve never had a period without excruciating suffering. It used to be worse than the worst, but never without pain or at least with normal pain that responds to pills.

Headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea…
Nothing ever helped me from pills, nothing.
To experience a period without pain is like a dream come true, the greatest happiness.

I had to share this with you.
I can’t contain my joy.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,


Dear Meri,

At the beginning, I would like to tell you a few words about the workshop. I have to admit that it was a beautiful experience for me… very interesting… very useful…

What was the best for me? I don’t know what to single out, everything was very good, educational, good atmosphere… excellent topics, well-developed, the essence was conveyed, the messages reached…

You have vast knowledge in a wide range that you skillfully connect… the talent to convey it to listeners that you captivate with your simplicity and great empathy (you “feel” every interlocutor of yours).

I would come again because the knowledge you convey is so necessary for every woman today… especially in moments of life when we distance ourselves from ourselves, from our true nature… you remind us of the essence of how beautiful life is and how to be aware of it in every moment… you simply teach us how to be happy despite all the challenges life brings…


Dear Meri, I’m back at work. I started working on Tuesday. Early this morning my boss got on my nerves, and I immediately opened your page and read, read just to calm down. Your texts are great, all the praise to you, thank you for being there for me, kisses!


Dear Dr. Bura,

Thank you for your feedback, and I’m responding right away while I’m still “fresh.” I’m so happy and immensely grateful that I can communicate with you in this way; it means a lot to me. Thank you!

Let me start from the beginning… a few years ago, I had a gynecological infection caused by Candida, and that’s when I started researching what to do. That’s how I “stumbled upon” Anita Šupe’s excellent blog “Truths and Lies about Food,” which was my driving force to make changes in my diet. By strictly following the Anti-Candida diet rules and using herbal vaginal suppositories (prescribed at the recommendation of my gynecologist, who herself suggested this more natural but very effective way to “fight” Candida), the results were excellent.

After that, my diet mostly remained very similar to the Anti-Candida diet, of course, more relaxed, but avoiding foods that I recognized were causing bloating, affecting proper digestion, or making me sleepy or feeling unwell. They made me nervous in the sense that I got an unnecessary dose of increased energy that “amped” me up without my intention (coffee has such a negative effect on me). I avoided anything bread-like in every sense, baked rolls from ground nuts and seeds, eliminated store-bought pasta, pastries, cakes, sweets in general, processed foods, “sweets,” and started following PALEO or LCHF recipes (at first following instructions and recipes, today I create combinations that suit me from ingredients that work for me, and it always turns out good). At the beginning, reading recommendations about diet and the Anti-Candida diet, I struggled with everything I “couldn’t have,” but I quickly recognized that wrong perspective and focused only on what I “can have.” It opened up a whole new beautiful world for me.

Then the time came when I thought that was it, that I didn’t have to be so careful and “strict” anymore, and I gradually returned to some old habits because I no longer had a “reason” for such a diet and my new routines. That’s when allergies came into play. I noticed a red spot on my inner forearm after holding a very cold water bottle on it, which didn’t fade and started itching. I realized that the redness I had after bathing in the sea was due to cold water, not the sun, sunscreen, something I ate, etc. My dermatologist accepted this possibility and sent me for tests to get a more specific direction. That’s when I got the Candida finding in my stool, elevated total IgE 615, and Anti TPO 315. That’s when I came across your website and your articles while researching, as well as the recommendations of Dr. Sanja Toljan about thyroid disorders, and I recognized that it’s all connected and that it closed the loop for me.

I returned to LCHF and PALEO dietary principles, specifically those recommended for a healthy thyroid. I did a food intolerance test that showed me what to avoid (primarily wheat and wheat flour). I started doing Tibetan exercises every morning, began reading books that aided me in understanding dietary aspects related to illnesses (like Dr. R. Dhalke’s “Illness as a Symbol”), and even attended his lecture in Zagreb, which brought me great joy. I also improved my understanding and communication with people around me through NLP, transactional analysis, and Ho’oponopono. While I had practiced yoga occasionally before, I now engaged in independent practice whenever I felt the need for rejuvenation. I resumed meditation and explored various techniques and tools that brought me inner peace, especially Ho’oponopono – saying “I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you.”

Throughout all of this, I am still in the process of discovering my allergies or perhaps still reluctant to admit them. I believe I am on the right path to discovery, and I know that I can find a way to digest everything I am allergic to without it causing problems. I am still learning not to fight against myself or others, especially when things don’t go as I deeply believe they should. Instead, I strive to accept my surroundings, life situations, and people, recognizing that everything that has entered my life is there for me to learn from and to climb a step higher.

All of this – diet, Tibetan exercises, meditation, spending time in nature, being around positive people who energize me, learning, and gaining new insights, coupled with my unwavering optimism and cheerfulness – has resulted in reducing elevated IgE and Anti TPO values by two-thirds from their initial levels. This confirmation reaffirmed that I am on the right path and that the words of my general practitioner, who said there was no cure, do not hold true. I understand that there is no pill I can take that will make the symptoms disappear instantly, just as I know there is a cause behind the issues I’ve faced. I am grateful for the wake-up calls that prompted me to make changes, recognizing that my body was reacting because I couldn’t internally arrange things the right way. I wasn’t living life to the fullest, placing myself second, suppressing my desires and wishes, and ignoring what makes me happy. I’m still “journeying,” still recognizing, learning, and I am thrilled about this path because… physically, I’ve never looked better than I do at 45, and I’ve never felt more beautiful in my own eyes. Clearer skin, a toned body, naturally curly hair, a big smile, and bright eyes. I am learning to love myself every day, to give my love to others without fear, and to make my environment better with smiles, joy, and positivity, along with hard work, persistence, and maintaining inner order and routine. I’m a bit of a perfectionist in that regard.

I’ve had unfortunate circumstances in life that changed how I view things. I no longer see anything as final, and while I lost the pillars I once relied on, I found a pillar within myself. My dad taught me that I have power within, just as he had (he was quite advanced in his time in terms of understanding and applying bioenergy, extrasensory perception, crystals, and energies in general). I am grateful for that.

I apologize for the length of this letter. I hope I haven’t gone off track or completely veered away from the topic. I hope I have adequately addressed your questions.

Warm regards, and once again, THANK YOU for this liberating way of communicating with you.

P.S. Feel free to share my writing. It’s an honor to hear your opinion, and I especially hope that some of my experiences can inspire or help others.

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Nastavi kupovati